For Victims

"Tears are the silent language of grief"

In 2017 there were 4,323 impaired driving related fatal and personal injury crashes, with 252 alcohol impaired driving deaths and 235 drug impaired driving deaths.  Almost half of these crashes occur on the weekends and represent 25% of all traffic deaths in New York State.

The NYS STOP-DWI Program is committed to reducing the unnecessary and tragic consequences of drinking/drugging and driving.  If you or anyone you know has been a victim of a drunk or impaired driver, click here to find your local program.

Please also visit our Victim’s Memorial Page to reflect and remember that in one second everything can change.

The Office of Victim Services in New York State offers many resources

The National Organization for Victim Assistance

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New York’s STOP-DWI program is the Nations’ first and, to date, only self-sustaining impaired driving program. Other States have implemented components of self-sufficiency, but none to the degree of New York State.