Short Moving Stories as Videos That Illustrate the Danger of Impaired Driving
Short Moving Stories as Videos That Illustrate the Danger of Impaired Driving Video is a highly effective medium for public service announcements (PSAs) because it
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STOP-DWI New York will be regularly highlighting the work of the state’s counties that are promoting DWI prevention in the community.
The New York State STOP-DWI Program is available in all counties and provides local programs to meet the goals of reducing alcohol/drug-related driving injuries and fatalities. These include education for school and community groups, support for victims, training for professionals, videos, tools and resources.
Click the button or the image now to learn about the (Tompkins County) and their initiatives.
STOP-DWI New York will be regularly highlighting one of our amazing partner agencies and programs. We help each other with resources and information to promote DWI prevention in the community.
Click the button now to learn about our Featured Partner and other listed partner agencies and programs.
Engaging Communities on the danger of impaired driving
Empowers counties to coordinate local efforts to reduce alcohol and other drug related traffic crashes.
The Program functions as a financially self-sustaining alcohol and highway safety program.
STOP-DWI efforts are funded entirely from fines paid by convicted drunken drivers, no tax dollars are used.
We would be remiss to not have the Senator William T. Smith story on the front page. Senator Smith’s daughter, Mary Judith Smith Kelemen was killed in 1973 by a drunk driver. The driving force behind his goal of more stringent STOP-DWI laws in New York State was this tragedy that struck his family. Without his drive and determination to reduce alcohol related traffic fatalities we would not have the strictest STOP-DWI Laws in the country.
Once retired from the legislature, his drive to see the success of STOP-DWI in New York did not cease. He wrote “The Origin of the STOP-DWI Program” for an early publication of the (then) STOP-DWI Coordinator’s Association.
Visit our Video Channels to view all of our STOP-DWI videos, Public Service Announcements and commercials.
The NY State STOP-DWI Foundation, Inc., through funding from the NYS Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee is pleased to sponsor regional trainings to benefit local STOP-DWI efforts in New York State. These seminars are free of charge and designed help our partners prevent impaired driving.
Short Moving Stories as Videos That Illustrate the Danger of Impaired Driving Video is a highly effective medium for public service announcements (PSAs) because it