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  • Reduce the number of persons killed or injured in alcohol and other drug-related traffic crashes
  • To promote DWI prevention as a public priority
  • Coordinate local efforts in Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Probation, Rehabilitation, Public Information, Education, and Administration.


  • STOP-DWI stands for “Special Traffic Options Program for Driving While Impaired”.
  • The STOP-DWI Program was created by the State Legislature in 1981.
  • Empowers counties to coordinate local efforts to reduce alcohol and other drug related traffic crashes.
  • The Program functions as a financially self-sustaining alcohol and highway safety program.
  • STOP-DWI efforts are funded entirely from fines paid by convicted drunken drivers, no tax dollars are used.

New York State is recognized nationally as a leader in traffic safety and in particular for continual progress in reducing alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes and fatalities.

New York’s STOP-DWI program is the Nations’ first and, to date, only self-sustaining impaired driving program. Other States have implemented components of self-sufficiency, but none to the degree of New York State.

STOP-DWI New York has followed the “General Deterrence Model” in developing the legislation and programs that are a statewide success.  The General Deterrence Model is best described as a method to get people not to do something.  The necessary prongs include:

  • Prevention and Education (don’t drink and drive)
  • Incapacitation (keep drinkers from driving)
  • Reform (treat individuals to prevent future offenses)
  • Deterrence (change behavior through fear or consequences)

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New York’s STOP-DWI program is the Nations’ first and, to date, only self-sustaining impaired driving program. Other States have implemented components of self-sufficiency, but none to the degree of New York State.