Legislators Are Fighting to Protect the NYS STOP-DWI Program – STOP-DWI

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The pressure is on to protect local STOP-DWI programs, which are facing funding shortages. There is a budget proposal being put forth to address this concern. Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, Senator Tim Kennedy and others are advocating for measures to protect these programs.

The STOP-DWI program was created in 1981 to provide the state’s counties with resources to reduce DWIs.

Here are some successes of the program:

  • after 10 years of the program’s operation, the likelihood of being involved in a drunk driving crash dropped by nearly 70%
  • offers training to the community to reduce fatalities due to impaired driving
  • creates public service announcements that educate drivers about the dangers of driving while impaired
  • … and much more.

To get more information about STOP-DWI’s mission, click here.

Below is a tweet and Instagram post from New York State Senator, Timothy M. Kennedy.
From Twitter – click to see the Tweet
Senator Kennedy Tweet
From Instagram – click to see the post
Instagram post

Want to join us in protecting STOP-DWI programs? Use the hashtag, #FundSTOPDWI, on your social media posts.