Westchester County


Patricia McCarthy Tomassi


112 East Post Road, Third Floor
White PlainsNY 10601


(914) 995-4117



Victim Impact Panels 
Click for 2024″VIP frequently asked questions”

Click for “2024 VIP Information”

The STOP-DWI Program was part of the annual Westchester County Police Cops & Cones event in the heart of Mount Kisco, NY. A variety of Westchester County Police equipment, including the department’s helicopter, specialized vehicles, and Programs will be on display along with fire apparatus from the Mount Kisco Volunteer Fire Department.  This Program helps to give back to the community and strengthen the relationship between the WC police officers and the people they protect.

Check out our Marijuana Student Awareness Campaign for 2023!

Click to view 2024 Prom Brochure

Click to view 2024 Prom “Power to the Parent” Brochure

Da click para ver el folleto en espanol del baile de gala 2024

Da click para ver el folleto de baile en espanol “Power to the Parent” de la gaga estudiantil 2024

Click to view Prom Night Fact Sheet in English 2024

Click to view Prom Night Fact Sheet in Spanish 2024

Click to view Prom Contract Tips 2024

K.N.O.W. 4 Yourself

A collaborative campaign to raise awareness and educate parents, caregivers and communities about the negative impact of marijuana use on youth.

The collaborative consists of coalitions and agencies throughout Westchester and Putnam Counties with the common goal of supporting youth and families in making safe, healthy, and informed choices.  

The campaign is grounded in science and supported by current published research that has been peer-reviewed.

KNOW Overview 2022
K4Y Campaign Guide 2022

Congratulations Patricia McCarthy Tomassi!

Congratulations to Patricia McCarthy Tomassi, the awesome director of our Office of Drug Abuse Prevention & STOP-DWI. Pat recently received recognition from the New York State STOP-DWI Coordinators Association, which awarded her its prestigious Sen. William T. Smith Award. 

In her role as the County’s STOP-DWI coordinator, Pat is a tireless advocate for combatting and curbing drunken and impaired driving. Her office helps fund police training and DWI-related enforcement by the County Police as well as many municipal police departments. In addition, her office works on numerous public education initiatives, including with Westchester’s youngest and newest drivers, to drive home the dangers of getting behind the wheel while impaired by drugs or alcohol.

We congratulate Pat on this well-deserved recognition and thank her for everything she does to make Westchester safer for all of us!

Red Zone” is the first 8-10 weeks on any college campus where students are at highest risk of assault, injury or overdose.

Stop DWI is part of a series of events for Red Zone Prevention at SUNY and marked with a pledge to keep each student and their peers safe. 

The Westchester County Public Safety Driving Simulator System helps to demonstrate how weather, road conditions, night driving and alcohol or drug use can affect a driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.  The Simulator is brought not only to local schools for various assemblies and events but also to community events.  On a recent National Night Out, the Simulator was one of the key exhibits to show the community about the dangers of drunk and impaired driving

Westchester Office of Drug Abuse Prevention & STOP-DWI in conjunction with the Westchester Coalition for Drug & Alcohol Free Youth sponsored a two day DITEP (Drug Identification Training for Education Professionals) for 24 Westchester County middle and high school  resource officers,  nurses and health care workers at Student Assistance Services Conference in Tarrytown.   DITEP Instructor, Doug Paquette, a NY State Trooper and  Coordinator-Impaired Driving Enforcement Programs, conducted the training.  Continuing Education credits were issued. 


As part of the Public Information and Education Initiative, the STOP-DW Office works closely with the Westchester Coalition for Drug & Alcohol Free Youth.  The Coalition is an “umbrella coalition” for over 30 school-based and community coalitions in Westchester County whose task it is to carry on prevention focused initiatives about underage drinking and drug use.  These initiatives implement research-based strategies to raise awareness about the dangers of underage drinking and drug use. 

For more information, please visit:  http://powertotheparent.org/

Vaping has exploded among Westchester teens but most youth are still making the healthy decision to remain vape-free.  In celebration of these healthy teens, Westchester County and the Westchester Coalition for Drug and Alcohol Free Youth in conjunction with the Office of Drug Abuse Prevention and STOP-DWI celebrated these teens and their lung healthy decision on April 18th. Hosted by Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, a member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network, the event included a giant inflatable lung exhibit, student testimonials and important health information about vaping’s dangerous effects on developing lungs. The event was scheduled just two days before April 20 (4/20).  In recent years, April 20th has become known as a day when some people across the country gather to use marijuana, including vaping marijuana concentrates. The event was part of a campaign to reclaim the day, support teens who choose not to use, and highlight the potential dangers of marijuana and vaping on the developing body and brain.

Westchester County, the Westchester Coalition for Drug and Alcohol Free Youth and the Office of Drug Abuse Prevention and STOP-DWI declared 4/20 as “Healthy Teen Brain Day” to help combat the use of marijuana. The event included a giant inflatable brain exhibit, student testimonials and important information about marijuana’s dangerous effects on developing minds. In recent years, April 20th has become known as a day when some people across the country gather to smoke marijuana and promote cannabis culture; “Healthy Teen Brain Day” is a way of reclaiming the day and celebrating those who choose not to use the drug while highlighting its potential dangers. (click here for complete press release)

VIP Frequently Asked Questions:

1.            Is there a cost to attend a Westchester County Victim Impact Panel?

YES.  For those requiring proof of attendance there is a non-refundable $100.00.  For guests there is a $20.00 fee.  Accepted forms of payment are money order, certified check, or credit card using GOVPAY.NET – Cash will not be accepted.

2.            How long does the panel last?

Panels routinely last approximately 2 ½ hours.

3.            Will I be breathalyzed upon entering the panel location?

YES. everyone attending the victim impact panel will be breathalyzed after making payment and prior to entering the panel room.  Anyone testing positive will be denied entry to the panel room and forfeit payment.

4.            Can I pay online or by phone?

YES.  Telephone/online payments can be made at GOVPAYNOW.COM or

call (888)604-7888 and pay the required fee using PLC# 7370.  It is recommended you print the receipt and bring it with you to registration.

5.            How do I verify to the Court that I attended?

At the end of the panel you will receive a non-replaceable certificate verifying your attendance.

6.            What happens if I lose my certificate?

If you lose your certificate you must attend another victim impact panel and pay the fee again.  There are no exceptions.

7.            What if I don’t have the money, can I still attend the panel?

No.  The fee must be paid in full, and partial payments are not accepted.

Victim Impact Panels in Westchester County are sponsored by:  The Westchester County Probation Department, The Westchester County STOP DWI Program and the Westchester County Chapter of Mothers against Drunk Driving.

DWI is a serious crime. Please Don’t Drink and Drive


Panel De Victimas De Conductores Ebrio: Preguntas y Respuestas


1.            Hay un costo para asistir a un Panel De Victimas De Conductores Ebrio?

Si. Para aquellos que requieren prueba de assistencia hay una entrada de $100.00 (efectivo o giro postal) para los huespedes hay una entrada de $20.00. Formas de pago aceptadas son giro postal, cheque certificado o tarjeta de crédito utilizando GOVPAY.NET – no se aceptará dinero en efectivo.

2.            Cuanto tiempo dura el panel?

Los paneles duran aproximadamente 2 horas y media.

3.            Tendre que tomar una prueba de alcohol al entrar en el panel?

Si. Usted tendra que someterse a una prueba de alcohol despues de pagar la entrada pero antes de entrar al panel. Cualquiera que pruebe positivo se le negara la entrada al panel y perderan el pago de entrada.

4.            Puedo pagar en linea o por telefono?

Si. Puede ir a GOVPAYNOW.COM o llamar al (888) 604-7888 y pagar la entrada requerida utilizando PLC#7370. Se recomienda que imprima el recibo y lo traiga con usted.

5.            Como puedo verificar ante el tribunal que asisti?

Al final del panel, usted recibira un certificado verificando su asistencia

6.            Que sucede si pierdo mi certificado?

Si pierde su certificado tiene que asistir a otro Panel De Victimas De Conductores Ebrio y pagar la entrada de Nuevo. No hay excepciones.

7.            Que pasa si no tengo el dinero puedo todavia asistir el Panel De Victimas De Conductores Ebrio?

No. No también se aceptan pagos parciales.

Los Paneles De Victimas De Conductores Ebrio esta Patrocinados por:  El Departamento de Probatoria del Condado de Westchester, El programa de STOP-DWI del Condado de Westchester y MADD (Madres Contra Conductores Ebrios de Westchester)

DWI es un delito grave. Por favor, no tomes y manejes.


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New York’s STOP-DWI program is the Nations’ first and, to date, only self-sustaining impaired driving program. Other States have implemented components of self-sufficiency, but none to the degree of New York State.